VTK for Medical Imaging Training

Focusing on visualization, interactions, and post-processing pipelines, this course highlights the main features of the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) that are useful to design a complete medical imaging application. Learn how to integrate multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) views and advanced volume rendering in your application, as well as processing data for segmentation and registration.

The training mixes theory and application with a set of tutorials and exercises.

Exercices will be implemented in C++, but could be adapted  to any language supported by VTK (Python, C#, Java, JavaScript).



  1. Integrate advanced volume rendering in a 3D view
  2. Integrate axis-aligned and oblique MPR views in your application.
  3. Get an overview of the main features to render, annotate, segment and register medical data.


  • C++: Good knowledge
  • VTK: Basic knowledge of data model and processing and rendering pipeline usage


  • Image and Image I/O
    • vtkImageData data model quick reminder
    • Readers and writers for medical images
    • vtkDICOM external module
  • Volume Rendering
    • Volume mappers rendering parameters
    • Color/Opacity transfer function
    • Multi-Volume rendering (overview)
  • Image Viewers
    • Render an image slice in a 3D view
    • Render an image slice in a 2D view
    • MPR: Reslice an image in vtkResliceImageViewer
  • Widgets and actors for medical image processing
  • Segmentation
    • Tools for manual segmentation
    • Surface to image and image to surface conversion
    • Extract surface contour from pixel values (isosurfaces)
  • Registration
    • Compare registered images (checkerboard, image difference)
    • Transform images
    • ITK/VTK bridge
    • Mesh to mesh registration with Iterative Closest Point (ICP)
  • Miscellaneous
    • Brief presentation of medical imaging frameworks and tools (Slicer, Volview, MONAI…)

This training course will be taught in English. Course notes are also in English.
Participants are asked to bring a laptop computer for this training session.
The instructor will communicate all the specifications required to each participants before the training session.

Lunch is included.

Kitware SAS is registered as a training center in France

Practical Information

Duration: half-day
Next training Date: October 8, 2024
Time zone: Paris (CET / GMT+1h)
Schedule: 9am to 12am
Location: Online
Price: 400€

Company Training

All our training can be offered on site with a custom agenda. Contact us for more information.

Meet the instructor

Lucas joined Kitware in september 2017 after a six-month internship as part of his final year in engineering studies at CPE Lyon. Lucas mainly worked on augmented and virtual reality related projects using VTK.

Lucas had already spent his gap year in computer science and scientific visualization at Kitware in Carrboro, where he mainly worked on segmentation methods. He also worked on the CMake architecture in order to set up python wrapping for TubeTK.