LidarView Training

This training covers how to get started with LidarView and integrate it in your workflow. Using sensor data from various vendors, you will learn how to visualize, format and exploit Lidar Data and how to create your own customized application.

  • No Lidar sensor is required for this course, but sample data will be sent to the participants
  • The session will be interactive and you will have the opportunity to ask detailed questions to a LidarView developer.

This hands-on session will cover LidarView’s core visualization features, analysis capabilities and the ecosystem you can leverage to tailor the best solution for your own use-cases.


  1. Get Familiar with Lidar Data Visualization in LidarView
  2. Get familiar with algorithms embedded in LidarView
  3. Learn how to integrate your own algorithms 
  4. Learn how to customize the application to your or your customers needs


  • Lidar Technology: basic knowledge would be a plus
  • Python / C++: basic knowledge advised 
  • Computer Networking: basic knowledge would be a plus


  • Visualization in LidarView
    • Visualize Velodyne’s Sensor Data from PCAP file or live stream
    • Arrays Visualization: Coloring, Spreadsheet, Point Selection
    • Sensor Calibration / State features
    • Recording and Saving Frames
    • Apply algorithms on your data 
    • Customized application creation
  • Data handling
    • Other Import / Export Formats
    • Inner workings of the point cloud creation from the data stream
    • Handle large data by emulating a stream
    • Automation with Python console
  • Data analysis 
    • LidarView Advanced mode : Leveraging ParaView capabilities
    • Custom Processing: your own filters

This training course will be taught in English. Course notes are also in English.
Participants are asked to bring a laptop computer for this training session.
The instructor will communicate all the specifications required to each participants before the training session.

Kitware SAS is registered as a training center in France

Practical Information

Duration: 1day
Next training Date: October 23, 2024
Time zone: Paris (CET / GMT+1h)
Schedule: 9am to 5pm
Location: Online
Price: 800€

Company Training

All our training can be offered on site with a custom agenda. Contact us for more information.

Meet the instructor

Timothée Couble is an R&D engineer on Kitware Europe’s computer vision team.

He obtained his Master of Computer Science student at Epitech Lyon in 2021 during which he had already joined Kitware for a six month internship successfully working on the improvement of the multithreading tools in VTK.

After graduating, he worked in Dublin (Ireland) and decided to move back to France and join Kitware again.
As part of the the Computer Vision team, Timothée is the LidarView software maintainer, ensuring proper development and synchronization of the multiple customer-specific forks and the underlying shared codebase.