Lucas Gandel is R&D Engineer – Lead Developer in the Application Development team at Kitware Europe.
Since he joined the team in 2017, Lucas has been involved in various projects using VTK, which allowed him to broaden his expertise and skills in GPU rendering. He notably contributed to support normal mapping in VTK, a GPU texture mapping technique to simulate light bumps on a 3D model.
He led the integration of VTK into Unity, enhancing VTK capabilities to render into an externally managed context.
Lucas has worked on augmented and virtual reality related projects using VTK for the past few years.
He also worked on the CMake architecture in order to set up python wrapping for TubeTK or the integration and RTK into ITK.
During his engineering studies at CPE Lyon, Lucas spent a gap year in the computer science and scientific visualization team at Kitware in Chapel Hill, NC, where he mainly worked on image segmentation algorithms.

As part of his project management missions, Lucas obtained the Professional SCRUM Master certification.